20150504 레진시멘트 / 방사선노출량 / 개원가, 치아 crack 환자분쟁
KUIRC | 2017-10-10 |
20150427 Effects of applying antioxidants on bond strength of bleached bovine dentin / Parameters Determining Micromotion at the Implant-Abutment Interface
KUIRC | 2017-10-10 |
20150420 Parameter Determining Micromotion at the Implant-Abutment Interface / Comparing Pink and White Esthetic Scores to Layperson Perception in the Single-tooth Implant patient
KUIRC | 2017-10-10 |
20150413 a new technique for sandwich osteoplasty/a study on the compatibility between one-bottle dentin
KUIRC | 2017-10-10 |
20150316 위험관리/치과의료사고
KUIRC | 2017-10-10 |
20150302의국세미나 의료사고 및 분쟁 줄이기/치과의사의 설문을 통해 본치과의료사고 및 분쟁
KUIRC | 2017-10-10 |
20141103effectofrubberdam/VolumeChanges of Maxillary Sinus Augmentations/Radiographic Bone Level Changes of Implant
KUIRC | 2014-11-03 |
20140915 biodentine, buccal fat pad in BRONJ, implant-based registration
KUIRC | 2014-09-21 |
20140901의국세미나 국소의치의 전반적 이해
KUIRC | 2014-09-21 |
20140818의국세미나ANovel Technique to Prevent the Loss/Perforation of the Sinus Membrane/lateral missing
KUIRC | 2014-08-25 |